Coda Chrome Extension

Hi. All.

Relatively new to Coda but I am seeing an annoying behaviour using chrome with the Coda extension.

If I try to get to the website I am redirected to my Coda docs. Is there a way short of removing the extension, so I can get to the Coda website?

Best regards.

Hey @Clive_Davies !

Welcome to Coda :grin: and sorry for the difficulty… Because you’re already logged into Coda on your browser, Coda redirects you to to save you some extra effort in getting to your doc list when you navigate to the site.

You can always get to the main page of the website by:


@Moriah Hi.

Thanks for the guidence, I am sure it will improve over time.


Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere, but I’m new to Coda, and its Community, etc.

The Coda Chrome Extension purports to guarantee that I will have no more than one tab per doc. I have just a tiny problem with it: it is a NOOP for me!

– My Chrome is up to date, Version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)
– I just reloaded the extension posted yesterday, 12/102020.
– I checked the extension in Chrome, and it says it is enabled.
– The card says “Inspect views, background page (Inactive)”, which is above my pay grade to understand.
– I added to a list of sites permitted to run JavaScript

all to no avail. Any hints?

It used to be that Coda docs could only support one tab at a time. So, if you tried to open a doc that was already open somewhere, rather than showing you the “this doc is already open in another tab” error, it would just open the correct tab for you.

This behavior is no longer needed since Coda docs now support multiple tabs!

This basically means that there isn’t much of a reason to use the Coda chrome extension anymore. Most of the features it offered weren’t very useful other than that one.

Edit: If anyone else still uses the coda extension please let me know, I could be wrong about it no longer being useful/needed


OK, sorry for the bother. The problem was deep: you have to turn the feature ON (from the tool bar) for it to work! Duh?@!

See Launched: Multi-Tab Support for Coda Docs

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