Coda export with API - How to


I’ve been using Coda for a while now. And although I am no programmer/IT guys, I’ve managed to create simple and more complex docs using formulas.

But this is kind off where my skills end. I read on the forum that I could perform regular exports to back up my coda data, using the API.

I did some research figuring out what exactly an API is and skimmed through he coda “Getting started Coda API” doc.

However, I’m at this point still quite clueless on how to use an API to set up regular exports via the function in the account settings.

If anyone could help me out any further, that would be great.

Best Regards,

I would suggest experimenting with Postman ( ) to test out making API calls and then play with the List Tables, List Table Columns, and List Table Rows GET requests ( Coda API (v1) Reference Documentation ) to get a basic introduction to using the API.

Be sure to turn on “Enable Developer Mode” on the Account settings page under the Labs section so you can see object Id’s for while you’re experimenting.

Also, while you’re on the Account settings page, check out Export my data in the Advanced Settings page.

Good luck.

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Hey Joey,

Thanks for the reply.
I know that I can export data from the Advanced Settings.

I suppose I would need a script that uses the Coda API to regularly access the export data function from the advanced settings? Is that correct?
Or would the script not access that function?

So either I figure out how to write that script myself. OR I find someone who can do it for me?

Have you ever tried to back up your data using Cross-Doc?
It’s a lot easier to setup.


Hey Breno,

I know this is a possibility. But If Coda where to crash or stop to exist (unlikely but I feel like we should be prepared for everything) then the cross-docs will no longer be accessible either.

I see.
You can use Ben Lee’s tutorial below to learn how to back up your data on Google Sheets.