Let’s meet other Coda Makers in real life !
I’m delighted to announce that Europe’s very first Coda Meetup will be held on Tuesday 23 January 2024!
It will be the perfect opportunity to meet other Coda enthusiasts, exchange ideas and discover how this platform can optimise your day-to-day work.
With a special guest from Italy: @Federico.Stefanato . Solutions architect at Coda.
@Nina_Ledid will also be coming all the way from Austria 
Date: 23 January 2024
Time: 7pm
Place: Paris
only 10 seats left
Register here: Paris Coda Meetup, January 23rd 2024 · Coda Meetups Paris
Don’t hesitate to share this announcement with your colleagues and friends interested in Coda. The more of us there are, the more rewarding it will be!
We look forward to seeing you on 23 January for an evening of discovery and exchange!
PS: we’ve negotiated a small budget to spoil you 

Thank you team Coda, and thank you Liz for providing the means to organise this kind of event 

I’m delighted to be taking part Elise 
And - as @Franck_Genissel - I am delighted as well!
So happy and proud to help kicking off the first EU Meetup: it was about time! 
I am looking forward to meeting many Coda enthusiasts in person.
See you in Paris!

Thank you for organizing the event @Elise_REICHARDT ! Looking forward to it
I will not be able to join you due to conflicting appointments, but I am happy to attend future maker meetups in Europe
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i am unable to travel to paris for this meeting in person.
but i HATE to miss the opportunity to meet the european coda cohort entirely.
is it possible to host a zoom meetup as part of proceedings,
so other european coda makers who cant travel can at least join in the gatherong?
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Hi Max,
It’s not going to be possible to broadcast this meetup online unfortunately 
But I’m taking note of this request for the second meetup that will take place. And I’ll make sure I retransmit it online. 
Sorry for that,
Thanks for your interest for this meetup,
Thanks for organizing that kind of event.
Unable to travel from Lyon at the time (baby requires a lot of attention
) but this is a really good step to spread CODA in Europe, and especially in France (ou c’est toujours un peu compliqué de faire comprendre aux gens la puissance de coda
See ya
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Thanks for your feedback Quentin !
Hope to see each other next time