Coda needs to communicate better about its roadmap

Thank you Nad, and to everyone who shared feedback with us — we appreciate the candid conversation. Transparently, we take a unique approach to product, balancing our longer term “Big Bets” with shorter term goals that can allow us to be nimble, and ship fast. This means that our roadmap might change, but we’re focused on launching as many features (that we hope you’ll love!) as we can. If you’re curious, our Head of Product Lane Shackleton recently walked through our planning process — and shared actual screenshots of our internal launch calendar!

Looking ahead in 2023, we’re really excited about full page embeds, and Coda AI. We’ll also continue to make it even easier to collaborate with your team in Coda, or get started with a new workflow. Many of you have also participated in our product betas, and your feedback has helped inform several product decisions — so sharing a big thank you!

It sounds like there’s an opportunity for us to engage more closely with all of you, and we’ve been sharing some ideas internally. We’re thinking about hosting more webinars with our Product team — so we can not only give updates, but hear from you directly, similar to Shishir’s annual “Year in Review” or Maria’s “In Case You Missed It.” If we were to host these sessions, would you be interested in attending? Let us know what feedback you have.