i’ve asked for this since day one!
i will not repet again why a PUBLIC roadmap would be extremely good, because i have already 4 or 5 post where i say that, we need a roadmap to be able to know where we are going, if not we will NEVER be future-proof, in an environment that is already pretty unstable, but in a nutshell i like the pirate boat metaphor.
It’s like we’re in a boat mission, where everyone of us have his own little boat, but we’re all under the flag of coda’s pirates team, following the big captain boat, that is guiding us in the fog.
In this condition, we have no idea where we are going, and no real voice in this regards to ask or cooperate, we have to trust the captain that is closed in his room in the big boat and that doesnt come out, if not for telling his crew immediate action needed for immediate goals, there is no option to “become indipendent” either 'cause we’re a single person in a little boat, and building just for ourself a big boat that is capable of sailing by itself would require big investment, a bigger crew of pirates etc
The captain under suggestion of HR put a “suggestion box” with a flower on it just outside of his office, nobody really knows where those little piece of paper ends, some says he roll blunts with them, some that he’s really not capable to read, etc, pirates stories you know
So, while we navigate we cannot choose were to go, because if we get distant from the main boat there will be an high risk of loosing ourself in the fog, we have to follow the directions given, but we have no effective way of communicating with the top level (sending messages into outer space is not like communicating with aliens)
I think this conditions make life at the directional level way easier to manage.
From their perspective nothing in the hands of the small boats could change this, and if you do not make promises, there is no way to break them (genious, it remember me my cheating ex lol)
But you all will have noticed how “somehow” some enterprise collaboration were valued more than others from other inputs (i will not unroll this further, who got it got it), so the idea is that the bigger is the boat that ask, the more valuable “somehow” is that request.
At this point i wonder, but if we could join mechanically all of our boats, with some woods and screws (real pirates would use nails probably), and at that point free our anchors to stop us all together, would the main captain ships notice and evaluate the requests in a more realistic manner? Following the priciples i’ve seen in the past they should 
This is i hope an funny story to see the problem in a more detached and empathethic view, for technical reasons why a roadmap is needed there are other 100+ posts made from 40+ people in the last 4 years, but they never worked, so maybe a story will, also if just a simple “you cannot change things and working tools overnight” would be enough to stop this bad behaviour…