I’m looking for this also. A roadmap would be incredibly useful for making decisions about short-term workarounds versus more robust solutions to problems. I’d love to see a public roadmap.
+1 for me as well
knowing what is coming might help to decide to switch to coda
And of course we understand if dates slip or things change (that is reality)
I too add my voice that some sort of public roadmap is very much needed. Even if it’s tentative and just a high-level overview of what’s coming next, no hard due dates.
(2020-01-02) https://community.coda.io/t/asynchronous-controls/1676/6 - Benlee, the order in which features are added isn’t necessarily an order of importance or demand. Some items need to be in play before others can be added and some things need to be tested before other things can be built on top of those
(2020-05-13) https://community.coda.io/t/asynchronous-controls/1676/13 - Benlee, please don’t misinterpret the order that features are added as an order of importance. There are a lot of factors at play that affect the order of operations chosen
I also add my 2 cents here, would like to see more around the roadmap, even some general information, which I don’t think there is much of at all, and surprised by the silence of the Coda Team here given the statue of some of the Makers posting above me asking for a response.
That is a reasonable amount of detail in this roadmap, but I don’t think anybody here is expecting that much.
And Notion:
They have famously left out detail on dates, but at least you can clearly see what they intend to release.
I understand the hesitation on committing to this roadmap, but I think I echo a lot of the others in the community that it would be good to see something more.
This was a cool tool coming out of the webinar that @jeo cites, but I don’t have the sense that the Coda Team has signed off on this being any sort of even quasi-official representation of what they are working on.
All that said, I value the frequent release of new stuff, seems like at least weekly, over in the News from Coda category. You guys deserve big kudos for speed of development of Coda.