My Coda Wishlist in Notion

Hey Ronen, thanks so much for the detailed list. As a product designer at Coda, I can tell you we take user feedback very seriously. Although it pains me that you used Notion to make your list, I do appreciate the clever way you made your meta point :slight_smile: Hopefully in a few months we’ll clear up some of the gaps and get you to do the next one in Coda.

Here’s a little context on how we typically work at Coda: At any given time we have 5-7 ‘story’ teams working on features. Past stories have included new big features like automations, charting or packs. Others story teams focus on improving existing feature areas such as tables, text editing, commenting etc. On the latter type we typically start by looking at all the user feedback in a given area including feature requests on the community site, requests send via our help chat, user interviews we conduct, and feedback summaries from our Codan’s that work with users on a daily basis and have a real handle on our your needs.

After looking at all the feedback we prioritize and design the the new features in a given story area. So the point is, keep this feedback coming. There’s definitely a couple items on your list that we’re actively working on and a couple more in the near term. If anyone else has a doc with feedback (preferably in Coda) feel free to share. If we haven’t gotten to your feedback, it just means that we haven’t prioritized a story in that feature area yet.