Community dreamed Coda : add your vision

I found this thread and I would like to bump it up :slight_smile:

@tomavatars shared an awesome wish list and I agree 100% these feature requests.

I would emphasise, with my priorities:

  • Horizontal layout in canvas (badly needed)
  • Web & Mobile clipper: You can put virtually everything in Coda and organize your business (and/or your life) entirely. How do you capture things around??? You need a tool for capturing a web site, an image, a file etc. Examples? Evernote clipper both in chrome, desktop native with an helper in mac, Notion, TickTick etc as well as in mobile (share everything with Coda the sharing options on mobile ) and ideally all the content can end up both in a table or in a section/canvans
  • File support with pre-rendering (not only Images please). The business world is full of PDF, PPTX, DOCX. Ideally possibility to format a column as a file (with some preview capabilities for certain files)
  • Format a Column as a Canvas: Probably I should recall a competitor again, Notion. When creating a table it’s important to have a column that allows to put everything inside (basically a Canvas/Section in a cell)
  • Boot loading time performances: When opening the app via mobile the first time, it takes ages to load the first section :frowning:
  • more charts and representations options: Radar Chart, Mind Map, Resizable and responsive charts, format a column as a chart
  • Fine Grained permissions: there are a lot of threads about that. Plus I would like to share a doc in a minimal way. If I have user that should only interact with the doc (press buttons, write things), I don’t need a “+” button
  • Multi Doc tables: A lot of threads here as well. Basically I would like to reference table that are in other Coda Docs
  • Save your filter: I create a sophisticated filter for a specific table then I would like to create a completely different filter. Unfortunately i have to cancel the first one and replace it. It’s annoying why I may use different filters in different situations
  • 2 levels of hierarchy is not enough sometimes. Would be awesome to have 4/5 or more levels (folders in folders)
  • Variables map: a way to see all the declared variables among docs
  • Dark Mode: Self explanatory
  • Desktop Electron App: Here it’s not the desktop wrapper per se that will make the difference, but a deeper integration with the OS. A Coda Mac Helper that lives in the status bar (like Evernote, TickTick) can be useful for capturing stuff around and send them to Coda