Coda published page as desktop App limited since last Chrome updates?

Hello there,

I used in the past the ability of Google Chrome to create desktop apps (using menu Chrome 3 dots → Cast, Save, Share → Install XXX as a desktop app).
That was really convenient for my most used pages/applications :

  1. I published the doc I want to use as a desktop app
  2. I use the chrome settings menu to create the app

But since the last updates of Chrome (I guess ?), I can’t create any new coda desktop app with that method because Chrome replaced the « Install XXX as a desktop app » in « Open XXX in YYY », (where YYY is my last Coda created app) :thinking:

I first thought it was because of my Chrome installation. I tried different options to get the “old behavior” back :

  • Read and test ideas in the community about that topic
  • Delete Cookies, Data & Co
  • Deactivate all my extensions
  • Delete all my Chrome apps and created it again
  • Reset my chrome settings
  • Used another Chrome profile (I can there create a first app, then same issue)
  • Reinstall Chrome

All of those lead to the same issue : I just can create 1 coda app, then all of my further try lead to “opened in” the first created app.
It is like Chrome now considers any url as the same app. :thinking:

➜ Am I the only one facing this issue ?
Or is this a Coda change / conflict with Chrome last versions (I don’t encounter that issue with other websites, only with Coda).

If anyone at Coda or in the community has a hint, I would be really grateful :pray:
(In between, I create my apps with Safari (no such issue there), but those apps trigger unwanting popups “Are you sure you want to copy that text/open that link” :nauseated_face:…)

Thank you !

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same problem here… and I haven’t find a solution :frowning: