Desktop Applications

Are desktop apps going to be coming soon? If desktop apps come for coda, I might leave notion. Please add this to the roadmap and try to release desktop apps as soon a possible.


I already know about this article. I am asking for an ACTUAL desktop application with offline functionality between different docs and not only in the doc

P.S. You can also install the website as an app using MS Edge. I use MS Edge and it works superbly.


Ah, offline functionality between docs is definitely a big ask.

I doubt (though of course I don’t know ) that will be offered.

I’d guess coda will go with the Chrome app approach like so many other companies, and they’ll offer limited offline functionality like google docs already has (which allows edits and loading, but that’s it)

Cool to see Edge supporting it. Although I believe Edge is still Chromium under the hood.

One day, when we understand quantum mechanics sufficiently, we’ll find that under the hood the universe is running on Chromium, too.


Edge has a lot of features Chrome has, so I hope you can check it out im a walking advertisement lol

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Any updates on the Coda native desktop app?


switched from notion recently and wondering when we will see a native macOS app? I see a lot of work arounds on this thread…would be great to know what the timeline is for native apps. cheers.


Yeah I hate the user experience of those ‘app shortcut’ thingies. I’d love a desktop app.

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Would also definitely love a native desktop (Windows myself) program for Coda.
Man, I would leave Notion and Obsidian in no-time if something like that came along!

Definitely a lot easier to pitch onboarding a team at work as well if a native desktop program is available imho (speaking as a Devops/Project-Manager at an IT company).

Keep up the great work though!


We want desktop apps!


Is there any progress on this? I’d love to be able to work offline with coda :frowning:


Is it possible to get a sense from Coda whether this is remotely being considered for the roadmap, on the roadmap, or otherwise? Thanks!


Please give us a Desktop App! Like if OneNote was a browser-only/online-only thing, I wouldn’t be using OneNote. I’m totally willing to deal with a few sync conflicts for the option of having full-fledged desktop app with working offline available. (I would also really prefer a .exe, not a Windows Store App please.)

Found Coda as a perfect alternative of Notion. (Finally able to format the font in tables). But, sadly, there is no Desktop App. I am Windows user and really wnat to have it. I will even pay money for it.

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Would love a native desktop app, this is what’s stopping me completely transferring from Notion too as I need to be able to work offline.

@Christina_Lynch coda already works offline :slight_smile:

A coda app for desktop wouldnt really make a big difference compared to the “create a shortcut” using the given methods above

If you imagine coda working on local files, or using system only features like camera, nfc reader etc it could be something worth of attention, but from my experience coda will NEVER consider such possibilities, so developing an app for mac/windows etc wouldnt have sense at all, for sure no more than creating the chrome shortcut…

Btw, keep in mind that i was promoting a coda app for mac from day one, but on time i’ve realized there is no actual sense in having it, like zero ahhahahaha

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I somewhat agree that it’s low priority for Coda, but it would be nice for coda to be an actual Progressive Web App.

Coda ‘works’ offline if you remember to keep a window open, otherwise you’re out of luck.

PWA functionality could fix this and make true offline access. Notifications could be more app like, the icon could be nicer, and there are a bunch of other benefits vs leaving a tab/shortcut open.


Hey @Mario! Thanks for your reply :smile: I already use the Chrome shortcut method, which is certainly a little closer to a native app. I wouldn’t say it works offline personally, as I rarely just want to work within one doc (and wouldn’t need to remember to open up a specific doc before I go offline in a native app). In general, I prefer the user experience of a native app too and I find it a little unusual/ frustrating that Coda doesn’t prioritise it when most other apps in the space do. I love the tool and the many amazing features though, otherwise I’d just keep using Notion!

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