Prior to today, there was quite a bit of flexibility available to format text in a small set of standard colors. The format was kr-[color]-[shade]-[fg/bg].
For example, if you wanted to programmatically color a string red, you could use something like: kr-red-medium-fg, To add a yellow background to that, you’d use kr-yellow-light-bg. The full formula would be:
It seems that this is broken, as of today The color part of the formula still supports hexcodes (eg _Color(“#ff0000”, “I’m red”), and now supports a new syntax with just the base color (eg _Color(“red”, “I’m Red”) which previously wasn’t possible).
Additional examples which are also broken include kr-highlight (an easy yellow highlight), along with the interactive hover states kr-red-gradient-interactive.
Is there a new syntax that is as flexible as the “kr-” syntax was?
Alas, sorry to be the bearer of bad news @anon9695935. I asked Coda Support about this a while back when I first saw something had changed, and unfortunately the KR- syntax is no longer supported. It was depreciated when the new Coda 3.0 update launched (the update that included side-by-side content and the new Canvas column type).
As far as I’m aware, at the moment the _Color() formula just supports hex codes (eg “#FF0000”) and the 8 named colors (ie Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Gray).
_Color("#FF0000", "I'm Red")
_Color("Red", "I'm also Red")
There no longer appears to be any way to control the background color nor the hover state programmatically, which were handy features of the KR- syntax. The workarounds I’m using at the moment are:
Setting up a “templates” table with {1} placeholders where the template text has background color applied to it, then using the Format() formula to dynamically add my text to that formatted template. Something like Format(@Blue Background.[template], "My text"). Don’t know if that makes sense - shout if you need some clarity.
SVG is cool too. @Max_Xyzor had an amazing example he posted to the community a while back, which I use often. You’re going to have to search for it, can’t seem to find it at the moment, sorry!
The Latex pack offers some features for rendering text in weird and wonderful styles. I don’t have any docs handy for you at the moment, sorry. I think I remember reading the Latex pack outputs SVG, so it’s kinda the same thing as the second point above, however the syntax may be a little less difficult to implement from scratch.
Anyways, hope that was helpful. No one else seems to be missing KR- except you and I, so it’s good to know I have at least one other person in the world to shed a tear with. Haha