Change the color using function. Like, turn things red when they are late.
Have you tried taking a look at Conditional Formatting? We use this to change colors based on due dates here at Coda. This is a quick article that might help. Keep us posted!
I believe he was referring to a function being able to do that within the doc itself, i.e., not inside of a table where conditional formatting already exists like you suggested. But I may be wrong?
David, you are correct I was looking to format outside of tables.
Got it! My apologies for misunderstanding. While this doesn’t formally exist, what I might do is use formulas in the document to pull from your tables based on due date so you could have a running list of things that are in and out of date.
I am afraid that the issue is a bit more profound than I first assumed. It is one thing you cannot have colors directly in your doc like #4A4A4A (like you have in slack for example) but it is something else that when I use conditional formating to show the color related to the hex, it is not possible to use the hex code at all…
What remains is a screenshot to be put in the section showing the right colors and the hex code. At least for the moment I hesitate to use coda to communicate on web site related issues.
I wonder if this is something that is important enough for coda to solve.
It’s possible with hidden formulas. Check this out: