Column description next to title

Next to setting a title for a column, it would be great to be able to add a description field to each column.
In this you could set

  • explanation for how to use this column (handy for multiple users)
  • why you created a this column for future reference
  • explanation of how your formula is set up (handy if you have to go back to it months later)
    this would be viewable as a call-out

in google sheets you can add a comment to each field, so I use this in the title row
I’m looking for something similar
Now i need to write everything in the doc itself, or create long column titles (which is not handy in formulas)


Still would love this.

  • explain what a column mean to users (Now i need to make the title long)
  • a secundaire description of why that column is there and how the formula works would be personally interesting (users don’t need to see this)

we have tables with a lot of formulas and sometimes 30 columns.
sometimes I created columns to make calculations simpler (instead of doing everything in one formula) to speed up the document. But now I sometimes wonder why I created that specific column

i agree and there IS a way to do it!

expand a row to the dialog view and then click on Edit Layout
when you click on a column in that view you will see the following items you can edit

  • long name for the column
  • description text


its not ideal (a little bit of a hidden feature) but we have used it when creating complex tables for clients where they will have to maintain them and add features in the future


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Dear @Xyzor_Max and @Pieter_Lesage,

Last week I have put similar feedback in this post:

And as you mentioned it’s quite hidden, and sometimes a very important utility to have!

Hi, I’m Paul, a software engineer at Coda. Thanks for sharing this feature request with us — I’m happy to announce that we’ve now implemented column descriptions in Coda!

Within the column options menu, select the “Add description” option to add helpful context or reference notes about a given column. We hope this makes using tables in Coda smoother for you and your teams — let us know what you think!



this is going to be very usefull

Awesome addition!

Can we have “long titles” (i.e. column name overrides) just like we can have those in detail layouts pretty please?

Use case: I want to name my columns in English so that I can write formulas without switching languages, but for display purposes I want to show the titles in Ukrianian. And not just that — it’d be generally useful to be able to override column names in user-facing table views.


Great idea @Paul_Danyliuk , thanks for your clear explanation of the use case! I’ve shared this to the rest of the team to be considered for future work.


Wow - Yes. Oh my gosh I second this with all my heart. @Paul_Danyliuk Nailed it and really want to throw my weight behind this request as well!

Im only 5’9 so its not a lot of weight but this would be the complete package if implemented


Thank you for such a useful improvement! :grinning:
It would be very cool if we could use a formula in the description with a link to a specific item in a specific table, so that we could maintain a dictionary table and the descriptions in all relevant columns would be updated automatically.