Connecting new entries to existing entry in another table

I have 2 tables that I need to interact together based on 2 criteria.

Table Interaction (will occur throughout the year)
Contains Name of person contacted and Project the discussion was about.

When I create a new Contract (table Contract), I will assign these same Names and Projects to the new contract and would like the Interaction from “Table Interaction” to automatically connect based on the Name and Project criteria.

I am able to connect the 2 tables but in the but I can’t have it properly filtered by both Name and Project, It works for Projects then Names. Even if I do an AND…

I tried creating a control, a unique reference name that are recurring in both tables, but to no avail…

Help? Thanks :slight_smile:

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With the Unique references…

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Here I almost got it, but it’s showing all the interactions from an artist without filtering out the project component. As it is a Relation Column, I can’t seem to add another filter criteria.

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Hi Carolie,

Welcome to the community!

You were in the right direction, but since you want to use 2 criterias you can’t not configure it only through the UI.

If you press the f button, what you have configured through the UI will be turned into a formula, which then you can extend for your purposes.


In this case, the formula would need to be something like this. (I’m not sure because you didn’t share much of your Interactions table)

[Interactions].filter(Artiste=thisRow.Artiste AND Projet=thisRow.Projet)

Hope this helps,



Works flawlessly ! Thank your kindly Pablo !


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