Consecutive Row Numbers?

Hi, this was a huge help for me! But I have two follow up/additional questions I’m hoping someone can help me with.

Is there a way to have the consecutive row numbering start at a specific number instead of 1? Say I’m using the table for adding reference documents/images - but certain types start with different numbers. I want to be able to add the next reference number automatically when creating a new row just like normal. So, I have documents that are referenced out starting with 3’s. I want my column to automatically add the next number in the list but as 3000, 3001, 3002…not 1,2,3. Is that possible?

My second one is is there any way to not have the formulas/coda delete zeros if they’re the first number? Say I want my rows to run 01, 02, 03. I know that the full number shows up when you click on the specific box, but I would like the whole number to show up the whole time?


I fourth Daniel, unless you rearrange the comment order, then who knows! :wink:

I have got issue as below, please teach me

Hi, you need to add an extra column with the formula thisRow.RowId() , then use that column on the argument that is causing you the error.
Example: Let’s say you name the column rowIDValue, then your formula will be
rank(thisRow.RowId(), Vocabulary.rowIDValue, true)


@Jesus_Guzman: thank you for your support.

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Hi, if you want to have row number no matter how you change your table (delete row, add row or even change the position manually), I have a simple solution.

  1. Add a column “Row ID” = rowID(thisRow)

  2. Add a fomula outside the table: rowid string = Concatenate([Table 1].[Row ID])

  3. Add a column “Position” = Find(thisRow.[Row ID],[rowid string] ).
    Finished, go ahead and check out the result, quite simple but necessary for me.


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Hi, you can try my solution below

I’m doing something like this simply using the Find() function:


I don’t know how grouping affects this yet, and sorting probably rewrites the numbering (can be useful in some cases).


Love it it works great!

Thank you :innocent:

I have tried all (I guess) these solutions, but I want to get a consecutive set of numbers from the top row to the last row (1,2,3,4…). This can be done a number of different ways, but if fails once you start filtering - than there will be missing numbers (1,2,4,…). If I am not grouping, I see the row number in front of every row (no missing numbers), so the number is there as it is, but I can’t use it in my formulas, which prevents me from, for example, coloring all the visual row’s with an odd number. I also would like to be able to get the value of row X Column Y, where X is the visible row by number and Y is a specified number (I am not sure if this can currently even be done by, for example, RowId() ?