Copilot - The Ultimate Coding Companion




I drew my inspiration from the amazing contributions of the community, especially from the posts by Bojan and Bill.

Their ideas were incredibly clever and brilliant, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. One project that I was interested in building is Copilot, a truly clever code generator and interpreter. It blew my mind to see how Coda AI could interpret code in almost any programming language. It was a shining example of the incredible possibilities that Coda AI brings to the world of coding.

Now, as I embark on my own journey in this field, I aim to build upon the foundations laid by these brilliant minds. I want to contribute my own ideas and take Coda AI capabilities to new heights. With the creative spark they ignited within me, combined with my own imagination, I believe we can make groundbreaking advancements. Together, we can push the boundaries of what’s possible and shape the future of coding.

How does it work?

Let me break it down for you. Copilot is like a coding wizard that can generate code in just about any programming language you can imagine. It’s seriously impressive to see what Coda AI is capable of doing! But here’s the best part: it can even handle Coda Formulas, which adds a whole new level of versatility.

Using Copilot is a breeze. All you have to do is give it a title or a brief description of what you want the code to do. That’s it! Then, like magic, Copilot goes to work. It generates code that aligns with your needs and interprets it, making your life so much easier.

Ex-1: Java Code

Ex-2: Coda Formula

Core Prompt


In conclusion, witnessing the astonishing capabilities of Coda AI, particularly through the introduction of Copilot, is truly awe-inspiring. With Copilot, coding becomes a breeze as it effortlessly generates and interprets code in various programming languages, including Coda Formulas. This groundbreaking template empowers developers and enthusiasts, like you, streamlining the coding process and unlocking new levels of creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting out, Copilot makes it an invaluable coding companion. Embrace the possibilities that Coda AI offers, and may your coding endeavors be filled with joy and success. Happy coding!



Cool stuff. I’m unfamiliar with OpenAI’s Code Interpreter, but I often use PaLM 2 to write and run code. With PaLM 2, there are no code running restrictions; it’s been free and open since Google I/O. I suspect we will see more code generating and running in a variety of use cases.

I am familiar with copilots (lowercase), the idea that you are paired with an AI to do some task or job. GitHub CoPilot is probably the most widely used, and it works as you actually code in a code editor such as VSCode. Another copilot is GrmmerlyGo. I’ve written a lot about copilots too here and here for example.

As such, a few things make me wince a little when someone says the word Copilot (titlecase) in the context of anything.

  1. Almost no one codes in Coda (I say almost only because, while unfathomable, I can’t rule out the universe of use cases). But worse, Coda AI is not suited for this task at all because you cannot fine-tune the LLM API calls, a requirement for almost every copilot.

  2. There are hundreds of “copilots”; which copilot [exactly] are you referring? You can try, but it probably doesn’t make sense naming anything “Copilot”. It’s like naming your dog “Dog”.

  3. The idea of a pairing of AI with a user for a specific purpose such as code writing needs access to many things to create a context. Asking the AI to generate code out of context is wrought with issues not the least of which is an awareness of static variables installed packages, and other environmental elements so crucial to a functioning application.

  4. Last, but not least - a “copilot” is considered another helper in the cockpit. A second set of eyes sitting next to you as you pilot the aircraft. For a copilot to be effective, it must actually be in the cockpit. Ergo, we come full circle to #1 again. :wink:

The Ultimate Coding Companion

I’m sorry, I love the enthusiasm for Coda, but I just can’t imagine anyone getting the sensation that this is the ultimate way to write code. It might be good for learning, documenting, and doing other development activities adjacent to actual coding.


Cool stuff.

Thanks :wink:

I’m unfamiliar with OpenAI’s Code Interpreter, but I often use PaLM 2 to write and run code.


With PaLM 2, there are no code running restrictions; it’s been free and open since Google I/O. I suspect we will see more code generating and running in a variety of use cases.

Good to know!

I am familiar with copilots (lowercase),

Don’t put too much weight on the Name. It’s mainly for social media and impressing people, if you know what I mean. The Wow effect: “Copilot in a Coda Doc, OMG!” kinda thing

the idea that you are paired with an AI to do some task or job. GitHub CoPilot is probably the most widely used, and it works as you actually code in a code editor such as VSCode.


Another copilot is GrmmerlyGo

I’ve never head of this tool before, but I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion!

I’ve written a lot about copilots too here and here for example.

Thank you! Your write-ups are always fantastic!

Almost no one codes in Coda

The primary purpose is to mainly assist Codans in writing Coda Formulas, but I took it a step further by expanding its capabilities to support any programming language, for the sake of experimentation and exploration and how wild Coda AI can get.

There are hundreds of “copilots”; which copilot [exactly] are you referring? You can try, but it probably doesn’t make sense naming anything “Copilot”. It’s like naming your dog “Dog”.

Haha! Once again, let’s not get too serious about the name, since it’s just a Coda Doc. But hey, it’s as powerful as an app, so don’t underestimate it!

It might be good for learning, documenting, and doing other development activities adjacent to actual coding.

Absolutely! Moreover, it could inspire the Coda team to develop a tool like that as a complement to Coda AI, known as the “Coda Copilot”! This companion would be capable of responding to prompts like “Write a program about…” and assisting users in their coding endeavors.

Thanks for the reply, Bill. Your thoughtfulness is always on point. Let’s keep up the good work!


Okay, so this is very puzzling. You mention “Code Interpreter” and it is not this?

Yep. I get it. It’s fun going wild with AI. However, people who write Coda formulas do so because they want to avoid all the programming languages. Just my opinion, but you should focus on just creating Coda formulas inside Coda. This will attract a lot of formula makers and it’s a highly needed functionality that I have often pondered.

To do that well, you need to transform the entire formula spec into a fine-tuned model. I didn’t get the sense you did that in this project. Elaborate if I missed that underlying element of your solution.

Sidebar: I believe the term “Codans” refers not to anyone who uses Coda, but only to people who work at Coda. As such, this tool is probably best suited for Codans and all Coda users, a much larger target audience.

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