Copy row from table to a view of the table

Just wondering, isn’t this simpler with the same answer? :wink:

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I can’t wait to see this!
But Google won’t let me sign in…
020521 2:30 AM
Is there another way for me to see it?
Thank you!

Try this?

There is no right way, or wrong way. But I like the easy way… :wink:

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Thank you for this!

I think part of my challenge is that I have a list of 300 stocks (the master list) and I want the list of stocks to remain constant but archive the date/time entries and the notes, bringing me back to the list of 300 stocks again but the time/date and notes cleansed for next review.

What you offer here is very useful once the stocks and dates/times and notes are archived…thank you again!

Thank you, everyone!

This thread had been really useful for me…because previously I didn’t even know buttons existed!

I do have a button question (and yes, this probably does qualify as “feature creep”!)

Once I saw how the buttons work, I began to wonder if I could alter the button formulas to continue to copy the stock symbol, date/time and notes to the archive table…but leave the existing date/time and note entries for reference on the master table…and then over-write them the next time I want to make an entry?

I figured out how to do this by just removing the ModifyRow part of the button formula.

But here’s my question:

Is there a way to alter the formula for the button so that it does the current task of adding “1” to the badge everytime there’s a change in the date/time column AND THEN having it disabled after the button is pushed and the entries are archived…until another change is made to the date/time column?

Any thoughts?

Thank you for any help you can offer!


I think I figured out how to do what I describe above conceptually, but I am not sure how to write the formula(s).

Could I add a column to the table called “Count” and everytime Date/Time is changed, the count for that row increases by 1?

Then after every button push the button is disabled until one or more rows have an increase in their count?

Then the next button push archives only the rows where there was a count increase since the last button push?

And after that button push, the button is disabled again until at least one row has an increase in “Count” again?

Would something like work?

Many thanks for any guidance you can offer…


I assume the 300 stocks are in a master table? What about: create a view of that master table where you pull in the max date. (I.e latest posting). That will give you a list of the 300 stocks, each with it’s latest note. If you only want stocks recently updated, then fitetr this view on the date - last 30, 60 or 90. If you want to cull the stocks every now and again, add a “discontinued” checkbox column, and filter out the unwanted ones.

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That’s a great idea, thank you!

Could you tell me how to write that formula with the latest posting?

I tried doing it, but I didn’t have any luck.

Thank you!


He he, turns out I made an assumption…

I’ll search some more, it is not working the way I thought it did.

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Welcome to the club!
Thank you so much for your help!!

I was short a column…

Step 1 Add a column to determine the latest date for each stock symbol.

Step 2 Add a column that will compare the Date & Time with Latest Note date in the each row for true and false results.

Step 3 Create a view with a filter to only show true values.

As below:

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Looking at this, I know what you are suggesting is the right approach, thank you!

But I have to ask what might be a stupid question! :wink:

When you added the second entry for Stock symbol 4 on vwCurrent at 1/26/2021 5:30 PM…did you click the + at the bottom of the table to add a new row and then manually type in “Stock Symbol 4”?


Yeah, I did. After two or so characters, you will get a list of previously entered values. I have now changed it to a single select column, no change to how the view works. Should also be no change when a lookup column is used.

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Thank you so much for all of your help!

I don’t think I have adequately thanked you for your help!

You were absolutely right about using just one table…at first, the idea made my head explode, but I rolled with it and discovered it is absolutely the right approach and has also opened my ideas to so many other ways of using Coda by streamlining starting with the basic design.

Thank you again!!


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