CountIf for a list

How can I count the total number of “Yes” and "No"s across a dropdown?

Hi @Christien_Louviere :blush: !

One way to do this would be to use something like …

For the Yes :
(See the formula in the field [Total - Yes] in the sample below)

  thisRow.[Select 1],
  thisRow.[Select 2],
  thisRow.[Select 3]
).CountIf(CurrentValue = Yes)

And for the No:
(See the formula in the field [Total - No] in the sample below)

  thisRow.[Select 1],
  thisRow.[Select 2],
  thisRow.[Select 3]
).CountIf(CurrentValue = No)

… where in both formulas, CurrentValue represents each specific text value currently selected in each select list in thisRow … which is then counted if it’s equal to Yes in the 1st formula and No in the 2nd one :blush:

I hope this helps :innocent:


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