I am making a doc that tracks the spelling words for my son, and how often he gets them right and wrong. Just think digital flash cards. I want to be able to show what his top 5 challenge words are. I was able to figure out the top 5 formula thanks to @Dan_Rose and his tip using Slice(). Anyway, can someone help me figure out how to do the counting formula?
The table has three columns: Word, Date, Correct/Incorrect. So each time I press either the correct or incorrect button for the word, it creates a new record and records those three fields in the table. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If it’s for the Progress Data table, I’ve got this (still for a new column in the table):
I’ve more or less checked the results and it seemed correct
If(thisRow.[Correct/Miss]="incorrect",[Progress Data].Filter(Word .Contains(thisRow.Word) AND [Correct/Miss]="incorrect").Count(),[Progress Data].Filter(Word.Contains(thisRow.Word) AND [Correct/Miss]="correct").Count())
Thank you for your reply! Now I might not have followed it correctly, but I don’t think this is quite it. It gives me the correct count of times it was incorrect, but it does not show the UNIQUE words in the top 5 list, as this image shows:
Is there a way to show just the unique count of the top five?
Since you’re ranking words, I’d recommend you creating a view of the All Words table.
So you add a new column to that table using a slight variation of @Pch’s formula: [Progress Data].Filter(Word=thisRow and [Correct/Miss]="incorrect").Count()
Then you’d also alter the filter accordingly: thisRow.in(thisTable.Sort(false,[New Row Title]).Slice(0,5))