Every row in table [quizes] is a students score on a daily quiz. Every time a [student] gets a perfect score on a quiz, I check a checkbox in column [perfect].
Can someone help explain what is the best formula that would output the top ten students in the class with the highest number of perfect quiz scores as a numbered list on the canvas?
Fellow teacher here - Take a look at the example below and poke around in the formulas. If its doing what you are looking for, I can give an explanation to help further! Just want to make sure I got the idea right before I explain
Edit: Just edited the doc, decided I wanted to take into account potential ties. What I wrote to find it (while functional) feels like a bit of a ridiculously complicated formula. Maybe some other formula geniuses can weigh in on whether or not we can simplify? @Christiaan_Huizer , @Agile_Dynamics , @Paul_Danyliuk (and all the rest)