Cover image should not take up any space on Card View if no images are assigned to the card

When a Cover Image column is selected for Card View, but no images are set, a lot of vertical space is lost to space claimed by a div that has a static size but is empty.

As seen below:

Reproduction Steps

  • Create a table with an Images column
  • Create multiple cards without images, create a single card with an image.
  • Switch the table to Card View
  • Set the Images column to Cover Image aligned: “Top”
  • Observe that most of the column is filled with empty space.

Expected Behavior

When a card has a Cover image field set, but no images are attached to the card, I expect the cover image to be hidden in the Card View. This behavior is the default for comparable apps, such as Trello.


Still not fixed.
It seems this reserved space is for all elements not only images. There is also additional space for empty text.

To be honest, this card view looks horrible and Notion does this a lot better.

Coda must take improvement UI/UX on the top 1st priority of anything plans.

:one: Urgent : Improvement UI/UX

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@Steve_Yang, I always appreciate the passion - and the expertise - you are putting on such area :slight_smile:

I believe Coda is doing a tremendous job also in the UX/UI since a while.

What is the priority is definitely a subjective matter from a customer perspective (I’d love to see chart libraries integration, for instance) and is very much depending on business strategies defined from an executive level.

I believe our commitment is to give our active constructive opinions (as you often do!), rather than defining individual priorities.
Do you agree?

I definitely clear it, and really happy and appreciate Coda Team received my suggestion and others ppl. but it’s not enough ! not quite enough, it’s really far away from great level.

From my perspective, as a common user, I’m a function first person.

Improvement UI/UX on the top 1st priority is from Coda develpment perspective. If I run the software company.

Yes. I often request ,suggest, feedback .

If you’re also the function first person , like @benlee. We just talk about function, and set UI/UX, Marketing, bussiness aside.

But I’m keeping feedback UI/UX until engough great . and please ignore about my UI/UX post.

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I don’t know if it’s just language barrier and misuse of bold formatting, but the tone of your messages can be received as imperative and aggressive, increasingly. No one owes anyone anything (unless it’s a literal debt or an agreement), and as disappointing as it can be, this doesn’t justify expressing one’s disappointment in a rude manner.

I’m not saying that it is your intent to be rude. Just saying that it reads like it.

Forget it . @Paul_Danyliuk

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The bug is over a year old and still not fixed. I think the focus at Coda is currently more on raising money and improving basic things. Some of the current views need to be revised and extended. The calendar is also not very good and basic functions like changing the due date (or duration) with the mouse are missing.
The extra space in the card view is only one area. The whole card view would have to be completely redesigned and extended to make it usable.

I always compare it with other applications I use like ClickUp, Notion etc. Currently only the table is usable. Calendar, Cards, Detail View but also the Gantt Charts are still rather rudimentary.