Create and Update Table of Contents for a Note

Hi all,

First shootout to Coda Team for the awesome product!

The idea
-> Have the capacity to create for a specific “note” a Table of Contents.

Now the reasons to propose this feature:
It’s currently the biggest roadblock to my higher usage of Coda. Because is when we have a note with several sections and we want:

  • Avoid scroll on it;
  • Give the capacity for a first or unusual user understand his content;
  • Avoid create other notes, just to don’t have to create long notes, difficult to scroll.

Note: I end creating Google Docs documents when I want to have long notes.

Possible workarounds
Bookmarks would be also important and would be an interesting workaround, but is not as good from an usability point of view.

Your thoughts? Who agrees?
Your votes! :cry:


Hi @Urbano_Freitas - thanks for the note! We currently enable deep-linking into a section - as you move your mouse around your Coda doc you should be able to see the URL change. So from section A to section B, for example, you can deep link.

However, we do need to add a ‘table of contents’ version which would allow you to deep link into the same section. Thanks for bringing this up!


Deep linking capabilities will be a great workaround. Thanks!

If you needed beta testers I open to it :wink:

I’m voting yes, as in the same doc I would need bigger sections with bookmarks instead of multiple sections.

Yeah, since there already are h1—h3 headers in sections, generating table of contents would be very handy


+1 on an auto generated table of contents!

+1. Tons of groups would use this feature

  1. Product: For our PRDs, be nice to be able to jump to different sections
  2. BizOps: Competitive analysis, etc

Hey folks, here’s an example of a table of contents you could put in your doc. We still don’t support deep linking within the same section, but this at least lets you link do different sections. Enjoy :smile:

Auto-generating a Table of Contents that uses deep-linking within a section would be created using the H1, H2, H3 tag hierarchy. Try [] for an example of this. To be clear, that was not a plug of Slite at all - I actually prefer and use Coda religiously.

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Hi Joe, does the planned table of contents feature include linking to header elements (h1/h2/h3) within a section?
The feature I’m particularly after is being able to have links at the top of my sections to jump to different parts of that section.

There are a few canvas features that we are working on that might help here, but a TOC isn’t one of them quite yet. This is being talked about a good bit though! We’ve seen a table of contents suggested several times.

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Up !!! Table of contents . I’m gonna crazy neeeeeed this …
Please coming update…

Yes please for table of contents to link to different areas within the same section.

Would be so handy for creating working procedures

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Does this feature have been added yet ? I’m coming from Slite, was searching for it and haven’t found anything… I really like coda but it lacks features to be a real alternative yet

PUSH this Feature! I want auto generated table of contents!

Confluence does it, Notion does it, Slite does it, Hell Google Docs did it many years ago, just use H1-H3 and automatically generate it. Safes so much time!!! Cant be so hard to do