Creating a Pivot Table view with just Sums and not underlying data

I would like help creating a Pivot Table-like view showing just the Sum Totals by Group. I think I need to use a new column with a formula for this and would welcome help working out what it should be.

This is the doc with the input data and the Pivot Table view that I am trying to tweak so it will shows just the sum totals in the Client Days column: Coda | Everything evolves, the evolution of documents.

As you can see it currently shows the underlying data in the Client Days column.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Hey Robert! You can create something similar to pivot tables in Coda by using a few key features such as Grouping, Layouts, and Views. Check out this article which goes into more detail on how to achieve this:

Give it a shot, and let us know how it goes! :smiley:


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