How to replicate Pivot Table experience in Coda: summing within the pivot and for rows/columns

I am trying to create a pivot table within Coda. Can it display one row of SUM totals for grouped fields that I have made my columns and another column of SUMs for my grouped rows? Within the pivot table can it display just the calculated value (e.g. SUM) and not the individual raw values and then the calculated value beside them?

I am working with a table of values with fields that include financial year and quarter of the FY. Using groups and assigning FY to ‘group left’ and Quarter to ‘group top’ I can create the start of a pivot table. But when I select summarise, it generates lots of individual summary calculations - one for each ‘cell’ within the pivot. I can’t seem to find a way to have a single total SUM for each Quarter at the bottom of the pivot and for each FY at the right or left of the pivot. Nor can I get the pivot to display just the summarized value in each ‘cell’ and not the individual records with the SUM beside them.

Grateful for any help.


Dear @Robert_Collett, great that you took the opportunity to get in touch with the community :handshake:

It would be great if you could share a dummy copy of your doc, so somebody in the community will be able to pick up from there.

Maybe this post is a good inspiration:

If the content is sensitive, I suggest to get in contact with and they will be glad to come back to you.

Two years on Having the ability to HIDE the row data on a Pivot would be VERY handy so that ONLY the sums or counts show in the Grid.
Here is the current method of PIVOTS with all the row data:

As you can see in Week 6 there are two entries for the SUP column, they should be SUMMED up to 7 as a total and the INT column should be 1.65 etc
Just a toggle switch in the PIvot settings would do it. Must be easy eh as you have done it for charts :slight_smile:

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