Income - Expenses - Balance calculations

Hello! I am quite new to CODA so it might be a very simple question.

I have created several tables for incomes and expenses. At the end I managed to make a sum for the columns I need to accumulate. Now I would like to create a table where I can bring all the sums together and then make calculations with them.

Income 1 = The sum of the Income 1 table / Total fees row
Income 2 = The sum of the Income 2 table / Total amount row
Expenses 1 = The sum of the Expenses 1 table / Total costs row

and then I want Income 1 + Income 2 - Expenses 1 = Balance

What is the simplest way to use the Sums from the bottom of the tables for calculations? I can’t seem to find how to refer to them.

Thanks a lot in advance!


i think the formula you need is like this

Income 1 Table.Fees.Sum()

this formula collects all the ‘Fees’ values from Income 1 Table and sums them to yield a single result

a similar formula for the other values

this generates a sum for ALL the rows in the table
if you need to sum only certain rows, then you will need to use a Filter() as well

if that is the case, let us know and i can show how that works as well


Thank you very much! It works in a way, but still I’m looking for a better option.

Is there any ways to have different formulas I’m each row of a column?

E.g. the total amount of the row or other way around, the total amount in the last row of the items of a column. (I know I can display the sum but it’s not good for me)

Or is it possible just to “draw” a table where I can add my own formulas different in each row/cells?

In general I’m looking for a good solution for making calculations with different sums of expenses, incomes, tracking budgets. This kind of things.

Thanks a lot!

Hi @Tamas_Mahner :blush: !

As far as I know, there’s no such thing as a “cell formula” in Coda (contrary to what’s feasible in Sheets or Excel) :blush: .

You could have a conditional formula (e.g.: a SwitchIf()) which could calculate a sum based on “something” in some rows …

For example:
This is the formula in my column called Sum
(See the sample doc below :blush: )

  thisRow.Number <= 5,
    [Money Table].Filter(Number <= 5).Money.Sum(),
  thisRow.Number = 6,
    [Money Table].Filter(Number = 6).Money.Sum(),
  thisRow.Number > 6,
    [Money Table].Filter(Number > 6).Money.Sum()

It sums the values in the column Money based on the value in the column Number :blush: .

If the value of thisRow.Number <= 5:

It takes the [Money Table], looks through the whole column Number to find the rows where CurrentValue.Number <= 5, access the values in Money for those rows and sums them.

It then does the same for thisRow.Number = 6 and thisRow.Number > 6

Something similar could be done in your doc (not for each and every row though) but without knowing more about it, it’s a little hard to suggest you an appropriate solution or paths you could explore :innocent: .

Could you share here, with us, an anonymised sample doc of your actual setup ? (i.e.: what you’ve already build, what you have in mind for this doc…) :blush:

Thank you so much for this insight!

Basically what I am looking for is the simplest solution to create an overview table of different sums from different tables and then do math with them.

Project the sum of expenses of project 1-2-3-4 and accumulate them. So in this way each row should be different.

But, I think the best is if I just embed a GoogleSheet and work with that one inside Coda. Especially because the different tables are getting the data copy-pasting from an excel file sent by the accountant. And pasting to CODA is not so great. And creating a specific import formula where I can match columns of excel and CODA tables I am not sure if possible.

Another solution could be to use simple formulas and just put it in a “grid” but I am also not sure if it is possible to do in CODA just kind of drawing a table and put different formulas in the cells. Is it even possible to divide a row within CODA? Like adding text or tables next to each other within the same row?

You can place your formulas at the canvas, just below your table (or anywhere you like, out of a table).
Just type:
Income 1: =Table1.Fees.Sum() / Table1.Fees.Count()
Income 2: = Table2.Fees.Sum() / Table2.Fees.Count()

You can write anything you want at the left of the = sign. When you type the = sign, the formula editor is invoked. The text after the = sign is a formula. Besides, each formula can be named, so you can use it in other formulas or even in tables.

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