Cross Doc: How to update custom filter of a synced relation column?

In my source doc, I have custom filters set on a couple of relation columns.
However, these filters don’t come through in my sync doc.
In the FAQ here: Set up Cross-doc sync tables | Coda Help Center,
it says:

Cross-doc only pulls through the raw data from your source table. Anything that lives at the table level such as conditional formatting, groups, sorts and some column types (such as scales) will not appear.

You can reformat all of this in the sync table to match the source table :art:

However, I can’t seem to be able to update the filter (or sort for that matter, but i’m more interested in filter for my use case).

Anyone know if there’s a solution to this?

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Here is one of the filters for example (commented out to hide results)

It references another table that is also synced in the sync doc.
Essentially I would like to be able to:
a. Have this filter come through to the sync doc,
or if that’s not possible:
b. be able to update the custom filter of this relation in the sync doc.

Cheers in advance, any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue. This sounds like it is related to a known bug the Coda team has identified. That said, we have moved this post to the Suggestion Box: Bugs section of the Community and somebody from the Coda team will be following up with any updates on this issue. Thanks for hanging in there!

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Hi @Plaso_Kusay :wave:

I have the same problem. Just like in your screenshot, when I go to Edit Column > Option settings, where you would normally find the Sort & Filtering options, there’s none showing.

Thanks for your reply @Shaina_Torgerson. Glad to hear it’s a bug and not a limitation of Cross Doc. I hope this will be fixed soon then :crossed_fingers:

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