Custom domain for a doc

Use case: I’m hosting my blog with Coda and I want to be able to access it directly from a custom URL:

After a quick search in the community I was not able to find this feature request, but I’m sure someone has requested it before… : )


Its not an ‘official’ domain solution but this works!


Very cool. thank you for posting @Johg_Ananda!

You could use Cloakist:


Hi all!

After some recent work, we’ve managed to get Coda working well with Cloakist. Here’s an example:

You can add custom CSS, JS, etc. and customise social sharing previews.

It’s in beta, we’re still working through some compatibilities but would love for you to try it out.

You can get started here:

(I’m the founder of Cloakist. And I think Coda’s awesome.)


I am going to check this out now. Thank you!

I just followed you on Twitter. I have a lot of sites that I want to try to post using a custom domain. Thank you again.

when I say “sites” I mean Coda docs :blush:

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how does this handle URLs of subpages? I would guess that the URL would never change?

This will be supper useful. Frankly I am surprised this hasn’t launched yet. If we want any doc to be public facing, it’s a lot more professional to show it under our subdomain. More so if we want to link to a doc for clients (for example if we need it for user help center, jobs posts, etc). Thank you!


Hello @Nikil_Ragav ,
The URL changes for subpages - I think is a very nice solution if you can justify the cost.
Check out this Coda sample in the Cloak ‘environment’: Home · Team Wiki
Greetings, Joost
PS on the record: I am not affiliated with and I am currently not using it (but I think I will use it for some of my projects sometime down the road).

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Are there any coda official updates on this?