Data Protection

To Whom It May Concern: As I have fallen in LOVE with this app “Coda” I am adding ALOT of very important data! How can I be ASSURED that this data will or is being “backed up” in some capacity? Or is this process something that I have to do “independently”?

Thank you and kind regards,

  • Joe
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Hello @Joseph.Rosenfeld,

We host Coda on AWS and utilize its built in, automated backup services for S3 and RDS.

You can read more about data protection in AWS for these services here:


In addition to Coda’s really secure and very reliable infrastructure, it’s not unreasonable or imprudent to consider maintaining an off-Coda copy of your data. Using the Coda API you can map a scripting process from say - G-Suite - to capture the latest state of every table in every document.

I was working on a unified full-tech search index for a client and I realised it was a pretty short leap to harvest all tables/fields/rows into a JSON document that stored securely in Google drive folders that are not shared with anyone once a day.

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