Display a specific value in another table

Somehow I feel my question is trivial but I still can’t find the way to make it work.

There is Table A with columns: Organisation name, Activity 1, Activity 1 points, Activity 2, Activity 2 points, etc.

I would like to display Activity 1 text os a specifc organisation that I select in Table B into the Column “Activity title”

So in other words I would like to create a list in a row the title of the activities and the points, an organisation gives to make a Pie chart after all.

Can someone point to the direction which formulas I should use?

Thank you very much in advance!

This is the probably what got you here asking this question. Without seeing the data, I have a hunch that the data table could be better designed to be “viz-ready”. Ideally, you shouldn’t need to make copies of your data to visualize your data. But this requires some planning.

My first question - why aren’t these rows instead of columns? And further - are activities occurring over time? i.e., rows for org/activities by date?

Activity 1, Activity 1 points, Activity 2, Activity 2 points,

If you are unable to imagine a data model that supports all requirements - i.e., there’s a conflict between the best model and the most appropriate shape of your data for your business, you can build viz-ready tables as a function of other data. I do this from time to time by using webhooks that send records to another table which allows me to parse the data and store it in a format that us suitable for the visualization you want to display.

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