Is there any way to have a description show up in the calendar? Calendar
Dear @Ken_Nangle,
Nice having you in this community
Yes, sure it’s possible. I suggest to see this template as an example:
You can just copy the template and modify it to your needs
I am not sure it answers the OP’s question or not.
Either he has to set the column he wants as a display column of the table (right click the column) or he wants to display an additional description in addition to the display column which I don’t think it’s possible.
What I discovered and perhaps is known somewhere in the tutorials and/or documentation, is that If I change the “Set as Display” to the column containing the description, that it will display that text. So, Rolando, thanks for clarifying that. It would be nice to add additional descriptive text, but the display column setting works for me.
Hey Codans, will you guys be adding the option of showing additional info in the calendar view other than the Display column? Similar to the detail view…
I would also like that to be an option!
I have run into the exact same issue, and have had to mess up my display column with a complex formula just so it will be a useful when it is shown in a calendar. Being able to customize what column shows first in calendar view would be huge!