For instance I have
Column “Next Log” = TaskLog.Filter(User = User AND Start Time > Start Time).Sort(true, StartTime).First().TaskName
Column “Previous Log” = TaskLog.Filter(User = User AND Start Time < Start Time).Sort(true, StartTime).Last().TaskName
Instead I could create a view called “view_sortedTaskLog” that shows no columns so then my document doesn’t suffer performance (Unless since I reference TaskName and User do I need to show those in the view?) and sort the table by Start TIme Asc, and then my column formulas could be:
Column “Next Log” = view_sortedTaskLog.Filter(User = User AND Start Time > Start Time).First().TaskName
Column “Previous Log” = view_sortedTaskLog.Filter(User = User AND Start Time < Start Time).Last().TaskName
I’m assuming that if I have 1000 rows in TaskLog:
- Now I am not sorting my results for every row
- And I am not sorting the results for two columns
So it should be faster? Is this the case?