Download all attachments

Please allow us to download all attachments in the files filed at the same time.

You can already do this

Highlight X number of cells, right click, and it will give you option to download all as a zip

Hi Scott, thanks for the reply. I am looking to be able to download all attachments in the same column. The only option I see is to click/open each attachment and click download, but not download all at the same time. I tried selection all of them, but did not see the option. Sorry if I misunderstood you. Thanks!

@Scott_Collier-Weir Do you know a way to use a button instead of right-click?

Using the download “exploit” I reported, we can make a button to download any files in Coda :slight_smile:

Pretty neat actually

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Such download button should be a pack :slight_smile:

I’m afraid this might be as good as it can get without Coda adding a Download action, similar to the personal CopyToClipboard action

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  1. Using the Image URL Pack you can find the URL of an uploaded file.
  2. A button in every row can then reference that URL to download the content.
  3. Another Button anywhere can then reference the button column in that table to download ALL files

Would that work with multiple files in the same attachment cell?

Hello everyone

My new pack building was inspired in this thread.
Check out:

:rocket: New Pack: Bulk File Downloader for Coda - Showcase - Coda Maker Community

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