I know you can download the the view of a table as a CSV by unlocking the page, going to table options, and then downloading if from there. But is there a native way to just press a button and download the view as a CSV?
I know you can download the the view of a table as a CSV by unlocking the page, going to table options, and then downloading if from there. But is there a native way to just press a button and download the view as a CSV?
Hey @Samuel_Langford ! Thanks for reaching out. While this is not possible at this time, this sounds like a feature request the Coda team has been tracking for the ability to download tables via button… That said, we have moved this post into the Suggestion Box for other members of the Community to chime in on this. We’ve gone ahead and tracked your vote for this feature formally.
Let me ask:
Why don’t you want to use a pack?
It works really well. I’ve been using this pack for some time, and it works great. There is also this pack from Simpladocs. Both are free to use.
Best Regards
I’ve used the first pack. But there seems to be an issue with getting it to update. Like I download it on Tuesday, but then if the table changes on Thursday, I still get the data from Tuesday.
I haven’t seen the 2nd one, I’ll check it out now. Thanks!
This is strange. I’ve never experienced such a problem.
However, there is a delay between the update made to the table and its reflection when using the pack. This happens because the pack retrieves the table from the Coda servers, not from the front end. So, it takes some time for the modifications made in the front end to be saved on the Coda server. But this usually takes less than a minute.
Best regards,
Maybe I’ll test it out again. Thanks!
But even so, this should be a native feature anyway.