Drop down list fetching from filtered table


I’ve a problem about fetching rows from filtered table,
when I select sprint from top the product backlog table gets filtered accordingly,
but when I want to select a story I can even see the filtered out rows in the list

what I want is that the select story list only shows 2 options if product backlog option is showing 2 options due to filters, I dont want every filtered and unfiltered row in select story

if anyone can guide how to do that, TIA.

Hey Rafay, thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you need to adjust the filter to be more specific. You can use AND/&& logic to say that if a story is selected, you still want the filter to respect the Sprint control as well.

If you still need help with this, is there an example doc you can embed here so we can inspect your filter setup? The video attached isn’t working for me at the moment.

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