Since I can’t Coda isn’t on the IOS “share to” list, is there a way to “send to” a doc?
Like Email into a doc?
Since I can’t Coda isn’t on the IOS “share to” list, is there a way to “send to” a doc?
Like Email into a doc?
TL;DNR: Email integration in Coda works slightly differently: you integrate an email account through a pack, either Gmail or Outlook. (Or both.) You then have access, in a table, to all of the messages in your inbox.
This opens many possibilities, and how you proceed, depends on your requirement. I have used all of the below in various scenarios:
Add a column that will classify, using a formula, the mails. Maybe you want to identify all the mail’s from a certain person, or from a certain domain. You can then open views that will filter on that column.
If you want to permanently save a copy of the email in another table, you can add a column with a button. In the button you can then do anything you want using the formula language.
This also works in reverse, you can send emails from Coda. I have used this, for example, to build an approval workflow. An email is sent to a person to request an approval on a row in a table. Once he clicks the approval button, it records the approval and automatically sends an email to the next approver needed.
What I have not used personally in this area is AI. But on the forums you will find examples where AI is used to query your inbox, and for example summarise your recent emails from a specific person.
Alternatively you could use AI to classify the mails, rather than a formula.
Coda often does things slightly different, but it is an evolution to something better, that in turn enables you to evolve your information management.
It’s just a ramble,
Rambling Pete
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