Exclude Weekends in Chart View?

In the above image, you can see where the counts drop down to near zero – those are weekends, and I’m only interested in visualizing counts on weekdays. Is there a good way to exclude weekend days so we’re not seeing the dramatic drop-offs, to improve readability?

Can you see if this helps -

That didn’t seem to provide the outcome I was seeking – I’m not clear on how to apply that approach to the kind of chart I provided a screenshot for above.

Hey Patrick,

Not sure if you have found a solution to this yet or not. Have you tried putting it in to table view and then filtering out all of the days that are = to sunday or saturday?

you may be able to do that just in the chart view, but I think that should work for you… let me know if that works

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I have the same problem, icant exclude weekends from chart.
Ihave this table and chart:

The chart is segmentet by “Cislo zakazky” and he sums the “Vyrobene ciach” values for each day “Datum” in that table.
As u can see on 12th of june i have a value but after that there was a weekend and i started on 15th of june. I need interrupt that chart for weekend. Becouse the “cislo zakazky” is same for 12th and 15th of june the line continues.

Thx for any advice

Dear @Tomas_Sebes

There also some posts in the community about “NetWorkingDays” you might want to check-out.
Be careful in case you want to have included the last day to write +1 in the formula!

Hi @Jean_Pierre_Traets

i was looking around on forum but i think that u need for " NetWorkingDays" start and end date. I have just dates without weekends.
Maybe i can do something like NetWorkingDays(datum.first(), datum().last) but this just gives me the number of working days. How can i with that exclude the weekends.
i have dates from monday to friday and i dont include the weekends in table.

I dont know how to do that.
But thanks form helping. Sorry for my horrible Eng

Dear @Tomas_Sebes,

I am not able to test out, but have a strong feeling that with modification on the solution of @Federico_Stefanato it would be possible

Neither I am a native English speaker, it’s important that we try to support each other :construction_worker_woman:t5: :construction_worker_man:t5:

Here is a test table…if someone has some ideas u can play with it


Hi @Tomas_Sebes,

You should be able to filter out any days that are not a weekend. You can add a checkbox column and use this formula to show if it’s a weekend or not…

thisRow.Datum.Weekday() > 1 AND thisRow.Datum.Weekday() < 7

Then filter the table to only show rows where the checkbox is checked.

Hi @BenLee

thanks for helping, but i dont include weekends in my table, only working days.

If there are no weekends in the table then they shouldn’t be showing up in the chart.

Is this working for you or are you still working on this?

Hi @Tomas_Sebes,

if I correctly understood your point, I guess it’s a matter of what you need to display:

  1. if you strictly need an area chart, then you have to convert your date into a different data tipe (e.g. text): I provided you a very quick example in your test doc.
  2. [preferred, from my point of view]: you opt for a bar chart: in that case you only see effective values for that date and there is no interpolation of dates in the area.

Let me know if it helps.

Oh, it’s the segmenting of the chart that’s causing the gap, not the dates.

The segments have a gap of a day in between, that’s why there is a gap in the chart. If you turn segmenting off, the chart will flow fine.

@BenLee i will keep working on that, the weekends are little bit connected with “cislo zakazky” . Thats why they show up in chart but they dont have any values.

@Federico_Stefanato, i saw your bar chart, it was ok but i want to stick with Area chart, thanks for helping.