Please add the ability to export pages and documents to Word format, RTF, Markdown or even Text. I am not sure why we can only export documents to PDF. . Many of my documents need more work, editing, branding etc. or I need to provide them to someone who needs Word. I now must export the PDF to Word but can only do that because I have Acrobat. Not everyone does. Asking people to copy each page and paste it into a word document is not a satisfactory solution since for large documents it can take forever.
Hey @Rick_Maranta my company just released a pack that may help with what you’re looking for. It’s called Export to Word Pro and it fills in template word docs with data from your coda doc. I think just exporting from Coda to Word without a template would be tricky as formatting might get messed up, but by having a template you can ensure the formatting is maintained. Let me know what you think!
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