Hey guys, just wanted to add myself to this thread, sorry if this is considered over-proliferation.
And just to yet again illustrate how these links could look at the forum software Discourse will show off, here is my overly-long post mirroring what you are saying here - hopefully all this chatter will be useful to the Coda Product Team:
And @tomavatars I just started experimenting with Roam, a few thoughts on specifically what I like that could get into Coda (this is not duplicated from the other post!)
the use of the “/” and “#” really make creating and relating super quick when using the keyboard exclusively. Coda already has dynamite keyboard shortcuts, such as tabbing around rows and tables, selecting multiple items in a drop-down, etc. There’s some additional stuff that could result from this if you allowed, say, creation of a row and assignment to a table all with the keyboard, while in another row.
With Roam, I find myself really yearning for the depth of Coda - when I create a linked entity, I could just “feel” how this could look in Coda if I was creating a row with a little context, like a row for a meeting and quickly adding in a time for it. If you could add a row to a table in one operation - from another row - you could then pop open the window and complete fields that are in the destination table’s configuation
Really would like to put my heavy vote in for some kind of live diagram that would generate of Coda’s links, whether this be full on Mind-Mapping, or some sort of iteration of the existing Graph. I agree with @Jean_Pierre_Traets that seeing how Roam did this very simply right now is an interesting take on even a basic version we could see in Coda.
Hope that’s helpful!