Feedback for template authors


How can we provide feedback for the template authors? I’m using a couple of templates and found errors / improvements that would benefit the community, but I cannot reach the authors.


Hi @Ludovic_Claude! Feel free to message me with issues you see with the templates since I help maintain the template gallery. Some of the templates are a few years old and definitely worth updating, so if you see any errors or areas of improvement, please let me know in this thread or message me privately!

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Hello Chen,

In the Data-Empowered Journal template, Journal Data page has several broken formulas.
Analysis page has also problems with the ratings.
From the Journal view, it’s not easy to add a new task for the day.

In the Gantt project plan template, the formulas should be changed to:
Tasks Completed Last Week = [Task List].Filter([End date].IsoWeekNumber() == Today().IsoWeekNumber() - 1).BulletedList()
Task Starting This Week = [Task List].Filter([Start date].IsoWeekNumber()== Today().IsoWeekNumber()).BulletedList()
Tasks Ending This Week = [Task List].Filter([End date].IsoWeekNumber() == Today().IsoWeekNumber()).BulletedList()


Thanks! I believe this is one of my colleague’s templates; I’ll have him take a look and make the necessary corrections!

Hey Ludovic!

Thanks so much for noticing and letting us know :slight_smile: I just went through and fixed those broken formulas (looks like I had some issues when copying over from my personal doc that I use this in) and added a button to add Action Items from the Journal View. Let me know if you have any other suggestions/feedback!


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