Filtering a Table Based on Date Controls

I have a reservation table with each row indicating the assignee reserved, the start date/time, and end date/time of the reservation.


  1. Assignee (Multiple Select Setting)
  2. Start Date/Time (Date and time selection)
  3. End Date/Time (Date and time selection)

I want to use 3 different controls to filter the reservation table to a view that only reservations that have conflict with the selected start date/time and end date/time for the selected assignee.

For example: If I have the controls set to the below, I want to view all reservations of Bob that cross over between Mar 5, 2020 9 AM to Mar 10, 2020 3 PM.

  1. Assignee: Bob
  2. Start Date/Time: Mar 5, 2020 9 AM
  3. End Date/Time: Mar 10, 2020 3 PM

Let’s say I only have the following 5 reservations:

  1. Assignee: Tom, Start Date/Time: Mar 5, 2020 10 AM, Start Date/Time: Mar 8, 2020 11 AM -> This reservation will not appear in the filter because it’s a different assignee.
  2. Assignee: Bob, Start Date/Time: Mar 4, 2020 10 AM, Start Date/Time: Mar 6, 2020 11 AM -> This reservation will appear in the filter
  3. Assignee: Bob, Start Date/Time: Mar 9, 2020 10 AM, Start Date/Time: Mar 9, 2020 11 AM -> This reservation will appear in the filter
  4. Assignee: Bob, Start Date/Time: Mar 9, 2020 10 AM, Start Date/Time: Mar 11, 2020 11 AM -> This reservation will appear in the filter
  5. Assignee: Bob, Start Date/Time: Mar 4, 2020 10 AM, Start Date/Time: Mar 11, 2020 11 AM -> This reservation will appear in the filter

I’ve tried combining 2 filters to achieve the above:

  1. Set assignee column to match what’s in the interactive assignee filter
  2. Formula to filter dates that conflict: (((Start Date/Time >= Start Date/Time Control) AND ( Start Date/Time <= End Date/Time Control)) OR (( End Date/Time >= Start Date/Time Control) AND ( End Date/Time <= End Date/Time Control)) OR (( Start Date/Time < Start Date/Time Control AND ( End Date/Time > End Date/Time Control)))

Not sure why the above is not working, and open to suggestions. Also finding that the filter formula gets automatically reformatted by Coda.

Hi @Tina_Wu,

I was thinking about this and wondering if the date range picker would work for you or is the time important?

Hey Mallika, Time is important as well.

Are less than, greater than controls not functional when comparing dates?

Hi @Cassidy_Vela and Welcome to the Community :partying_face: !

I’m sorry but what do you mean by …

Could you tell us more about your setup/use case … issue (maybe) ? :innocent:

I mean, as far as I know, yes you can compare a date within a date control to another date (in a control/table/canvas formula …) using <, >, =,!=,<= and >=
(Dates, times, Date/times are just numbers behind the scene :blush: )

E.g.: here I’m filtering a table comparing the date/time in my field Start to the 2 date canvas controls …

But I feel like there could be something more to your question :blush:

It looks like our formula had something else wrong with it and the >= is working now. Thanks!

A bit late, but I’m glad to know you’ve found a solution to the issue you had :blush: !