Formula: Project Due Date Based on Task Due Date

Hello – Airtable convert here, so I’m slowly learning.


I’ve been stealing ideas left and right to get this project management solution up and running based off a lot of great content created by this community. It is far from complete and the below has me stalled.

The Challenge

  • Set project “floating” due date based on the max due date of a task.
  • When consolidating all tasks for a project, it pulls in all due dates for that specific project

Current Due Date Formula

Sort(filter(thisRow.all_task_due_dates,thisRow.[EMR #])).Max()


This works without any issues. It pulls the due date from the all_task_due_dates without any issues, and updates accordingly.

Consolidate Project Due Dates Formula

[DB – Task Tracker – View].[Due Date].Lookup([DB – Task Tracker – View].[EMR #], thisRow).NumberedList()


It displays all task due dates, not the ones specific to the current project (EMR).

What am I missing?

I’ve scoured tons of templates and looked at other formulas, and this has me banging my head against my key board.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



Big thanks to Ander, who was able to provide the solution.
[DB – Task Tracker – View].Lookup([EMR #], thisRow).[Due Date].NumberedList()


[DB – Task Tracker – View].Lookup([EMR #], thisRow).[Due Date]

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Thanks, @Ander. This was a huge help, and truly appreciated.

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