Formula to select multiple options in multiselect column based on multiple checkbox fields

I am developing a quality control checklist using a master list of all the QC tasks for our projects that we generally check one or two times through the course of each project. In order to simplify the creation of the master list and which items should be checked when, I created (5) checkbox columns, one for each possible stage to be reviewed. I am trying to automatically select the corresponding review stage(s) from a multiselect field that will allow me to filter the QC tasks depending on which stage of the project I’m in. Below is a snapshot to give you an idea of the table I am working on.

Ideally I am hoping to come up with a formula that looks across the row and if the Job Start QC field is true, it would select Job Start QC in the QC Stages field, then continue checking the other (4) columns, and if another is true, it would ADD that selection to the QC Stages selections.

Bonus points if you know of a formula that can convert the column title to a string.


Hi @John_Schwarz,

can you share your doc or create a dummy doc and share that?
That would help a lot.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Here’s a link to the page.

I just figured it out.
You can use the ListCombine function below. I’m going to unshare the doc, but leave this up in case others run into the same issue.

SwitchIf(thisRow.[Job Start QC],β€œJob Start QC”,β€œβ€),
SwitchIf(thisRow.[v1 QC],β€œv1 QC”,β€œβ€),
SwitchIf(thisRow.[v2 QC Part I],β€œv2 QC Part I”,β€œβ€),
SwitchIf(thisRow.[v2 QC Part II],β€œv2 QC Part II”,β€œβ€),
SwitchIf(thisRow.[vF QC],β€œvF QC”,β€œβ€)
).Filter(CurrentValue!=β€œβ€ )


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