I wrote a reply to my friend’s question on the forum. I want to get him this reply quickly, because I think it will help him! And I spent a lot of time writing a detailed reply, because the issue he’s dealing with is tricky. I want him to get all the information in my post!
Unfortunately, he can’t see my post until it is approved by a forum moderator - and neither can I. This means I can’t text my friend my reply without rewriting it from scratch! What a tremendous waste of time. There is no good content moderation reason to prevent me from seeing my own post. My rage-meter is sky high. This is my first experience (in many years) with Coda’s forums and I am not enjoying the experience at all.
Thanks @Jannis. The forum reply I was worried about has now been approved, so my immediate issue is resolved, but my general concern about losing access to my own posts is still an issue.
Glad to hear the reply was approved and this issue is resolved. I want to be sure to also address your “general concern about losing access to [your] own posts [that] is still an issue”. Can you please provide more information about this? I’m not quite understanding what this means. Hope I can help!
Hi @Shaina_Torgerson. If I make a post, it makes sense that others can’t see the post until a moderator approves it. But I should still be able to see my own post. Having to wait for moderator approval to see my own post was extremely frustrating, particularly because it serves nobody’s interests. I’ve never seen a mature moderation system that worked this way.
Thanks for following up @Daniel_Windham1 . Just to clarify, not every post needs to be approved by a moderator before it’s viewable in the Community. Our spam filter happened to flag your particular post which then required moderator to manually approve or deny it. Apologies for any disruption this may have caused!