Get external Data (API) OR global lists - how?

I couldnt find information on the following and would appreciate thoughts and feedback:

Even though many of us use coda different there are often some shared needs across many projects. I wonder if

  1. There is a way to pull external “content” via API such as Countries, Cities, ZipCodes, Street, … OR API’s providing random data such as Gender, Names, Age, Nationality (e.g. Fake Personas) OR …

  2. If there isn´t such an option I wonder what you would think about a feature of global lists that are not workspcae/acount related but can be used for anyone on coda - maintained and “open sourced” by “ambassadors” (or whoever want to push changes send a “pull request” to “merge” within such a global list

Hi @F_I, sorry for the delay here! Right now our built-in external integrations are limited to what we provide with Packs. You can see the available formulas here or browse available Packs in a doc.

Of course, you’re welcome to use any API you find to insert data into your docs using the Coda API. One possibility is to publish your data to GitHub or some other public site (or even a public Coda doc), and then share a Google Apps Script that reads data from there for use in your other docs.