Grammarly Support

Because of how structures documents, I imagine this is quite a ways off. However, having grammarly support would be absolutely amazing. My current workaround is to copy the document out of coda into grammarly, fix things, and then bring the text back into coda (without formatting lost).

Really, any kind of spelling/grammar support would be wonderful.


@jakobheuser I have the same need.

Currently, I first write in Grammarly ( and after that I copy and paste into Coda.

If there was support for Grammarly I would save that extra time.


@jakobheuser @Raul_San_N.H

Too bad that the Chome extention isn’t functional either…


I too use Grammarly, but to be honest, just basic spell check is something I deeply crave. Isn’t it baked into Chrome? Has the dev team gone out of the way to disable spell-check?

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Hi folks,

You’re correct that Coda currently disables both the built-in Chrome spellcheck as well as the Grammerly integration. Both caused issues with how our editing component functions and required engineering investment in order to work correctly. We’re looking at adding basic spellcheck support in our next set of feature work. No commitment on date but just know that it’s something we’re actively working on.



Thanks Nigal however the basic spellcheck is on par with Window 97… sorry buddy, but I’ve had to bounce from Coda until you cat integrate with Grammarly or build the equivalent spellcheck at best, google docs. I stupidly spend some time working Coda out, moving over a few docs and invested hours setting things up as I just fell in love with the platform. However I then went to build my first actual doc and nearly shat my pants over the spellcheck. Look forward to you cats having a 2018 spellcheck offering that will honor it’s very own platform.

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How is the current status on Grammarly support?

I’m a native German I also use Grammarly quite frequently writing mail and check English docs.

Since the last post on this topic was made a while ago is there any progress on this?


I NEED Grammarly support. Please!


If you give us Grammarly integration in a section (page) and in a text column - it would be a start.


Is it anything new about this?. Do we have this request in the planing?


Another +1 for Grammerly support or at minimum some form of spell checker, kind of seems crazy that in 2019 a doc editor doesn’t have a spellchecker.


Checking in to see if there is any possible future for Grammarly to be implemented in the Coda tool.

Basic spellcheck support has been in place for quite a while now.

Grammerly will require a good bit more work and Coda is still growing quite a bit at the moment. We do hear you that this is a wanted feature for sure, we’re just working on building out the product more before committing to the effort investment here.

When growing a product you find that adding features means there is more to account for, and work around, when adding larger changes to the foundational items. It’s easy to build features to the point of hindering future growth too. So our team puts a lot of thought into how they juggle what gets added and when. The order can have a big effect down the line. Efficient ordering of procedures doesn’t always correlate to order of importance.

We have this noted and it is discussed.

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Hi all,

Yup I agree. Grammarly support or any kind of spell checker would be fantastic!
hope you guys are considering this in the near future.
Nice platfrom btw

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Please do the integration with Grammarly, this is really a major downside and will push me back to awful Confluence.

I noticed Notion supports Grammarly now. It’s important enough for me to consider moving. Any update on when Grammarly can be expected in Coda?


+1 on this.

I wonder if coda is going to consider adding a grammarly pack.


It would be great to have grammarly support, and maybe autocorrect?

yes it is really a great support to have grammarly extension for auto correction of spelling and grammar. when I was working with a news paper writing service I realized the importance of this software that helps me spelling correction specially and also in the productivity.

We are still without spellchecker?. I see the problem has been dragging on since February 2018 (4 years) and we have gone through 3 versions.