If I have a table with a column that has a select option for days of the week and a row of that column has Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and I would like to see if thisrow.days contains the word Friday how would I do that? I tried loads of things like Contains(thisRow.days.Lower(),“friday”) I tried to text I tried the IN formule but it just does not work for me.
I googled a lot but can’t find to seem a working solution, sorry if this has been asked a million times.
For some reason I cannot get the hang of coda formulas.
the weekday names in Dutch live in a separate table I guess, maybe like the weekday names you see here. My table DB Days contains Dutch, French and other languages. This one was open in French. I selected multiple days per day and turned them into Dutch by referencing the column with Dutch day names.
Thaks @Christiaan_Huizer I think this does help me in finding a way to do what I want to do.
For some reason I find it hard to find the logic in the way coda wants me to structure formulas. I am more used to SQL and other languages that feel more logical to me.