Help! How to share filtered views involving multiple tables via cross-doc

I honestly don’t remember how it used to work in that older version of the pack that I shared with you. If I remember correctly, it had a slightly different approach to rules. Please see the original video. It kinda has what you asked for (i.e. rules that check for a token starting or ending with certain text).

IIRC it still works like this in the STP pack. I only removed the allow/deny (there’s no deny now as that’s very easy to circumvent)

@Paul_Danyliuk – you were right, the query table doesn’t work right now. Instead of the side panel you have in the video, it has a popup that is asking for the url one wants to sync from:

If its an easy thing at your end (like another version that has the same setup as the video), then please let me know.

If not, its ok. I already feel so guilt about all the questions I have peppered you with. I really cannot thank you enough for all your guidance and support :raised_hands:t4::raised_hands:t4:

It is indeed a popup because there’s no interface to select tables to merge from or whatnot. Please watch the first video in that thread, the one I linked. It has the example of how to work with this. You have to compose a query to paste here

Having a duh moment here…thank you for your patience!!!

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