@Scot_Taylor , the structure of your table defines how easily you can make it work for you. I remember an observation of @Federico.Stefanato in this post:
Also, Coda - as well as other relational oriented data tools - favorites a row-based approach rather that a column-oriented.
Meaning that it is usually easier add a row than a column and if you follow this principle you’ll take full advantage of the tool (also provided in the sample).
This means that we can reorder the data you provided as below and also get the delta values applying the logic you see :
The logic you described I do not master nor do I understand your intentions , maybe @Agile_Dynamics knows how to deal with it.
5 Year EPS ((13.99 / 5.49)^(1/5) - 1)*100
Anyway the structure of your table is the starting point.
Hope it helps (a bit) , Cheers, Christiaan