Copying table from google spreadsheets & numbers

Hi @Kochan,
and welcome to Coda Community! :handshake:

Firstly, by registering you agreed on the guidelines of this community (FAQ - Coda Maker Community): it’s really appreciated to honour them.

Coming to your problem, currently formats on some data types are not covering all the full fine-grained spectrum (numbers, date, time).

However there are some workarounds to programmatically convert into the proper data type.

Not quite, but you can:

  1. make a formula column (not editable) that displays in the correct data type
  2. add a button that does it and puts the data in an editable column

I tried to provide you a sample with both alternatives: let me know if it is clear:

Also, Coda - as well as other relational oriented data tools - favourites a row-based approach rather that a column-oriented.
Meaning that it is usually easier add a row than a column and if you follow this principle you’ll take full advantage of the tool (also provided in the sample).

Let me know if you have additional questions.