Hello everyone, i would like to know if, with filter, is possibile to filter row that have the same content, so that appear only one row
For exemple in my table i would like that if the content in the column “Tipologia e Fase” is the same, appear only one row and not 2 row like in the photo
I would like that in the column “Tipologia e Fase”, with a use of a filter in the table, don’t appear the duplicate value. So, for example, the “Definizione OKR nella fase di onboarding” appear one time and not 3.
Hi Math, thanks for your response.
I’m seeing but is not the same that i need.
What I mean if is possibile with filter, to hide duplicate values of the column “tipologia e fase”, so the final result (with the filter that we need to inser) will be this table https://coda.io/d/_ddaj2457igX/Coda-community_suJEY#_lu2OL